Busy, Busy, Busy! That's been our life this past week....hence the lack of postings. We've had somewhere to be or something to do everyday this week after school or in the evening. Josie-Tatum has had a stomach bug, with a fever over 102. Caleb has had tennis matches, Brandon has had soccer games. I've been to the social security office for Brandon and the accountant's office for our taxes.
Yesterday, I went to work, went straight from work to buy groceries, came home, unload groceries, fed the kids, went to the ball game, watched soccer, left our house, went to Savannah GA, waited on friends to return from the Philippines, and returned home shortly before 3:00 a.m. Then, I got up at 6:30 a.m, to head to our county's Pre-K center, to get in line and secure Ellie a spot in the Pre-K program for next year. Oh my!
But.....It is such a blessing to greet friends at the airport upon their arrival, following an adoption. I loved last night, no matter how tired I was. (Click here to see more of the story behind the precious face above.)It was a time to remind our girls of how special they are and how eagerly their arrival was anticpated. Josie-Tatum has such a heart for orphans, and she is excited when another orphan has a family. She asked yesterday, "Mama, do you think one day there will be no more orphans in the world?" So, I think to myself, how do I answer that. Thank God for his wisdom, for He speaks to me. I told her, "There may always be orphans on earth, but there will be no orphans in heaven." She seemed satisfied with that idea.
God is good. I am amazed at how He orchestrates our lives to connect with others. I taught the mother of Levi, Sabrina, in 2nd grade. Later in her life, she became part of our church, I taught her in Sunday School. Now, I've had the privilege of watching her become the mama to a child who needed one. And, another greeter at the airport was Amy. Amy was also part of that youth Sunday School class. Amy has also adoped internationally, from Vietnam. What a blessing both of you are. How honored I am that God has let me be part of your lives.