Hello Friends,
I'm writing tonight to ask prayers for ME. I am discouraged.
We are waiting on our LOA, a new form created by CCAA for special needs' families.
Some families with our LID received LOA 2 weeks ago. Then today, more LOA's came. Some families whose LID was almost one month after ours received LOA's today. Bethany, our agency, received LOA's today. We did not.
There is somtimes no rhyme or reason to the special needs process. I've been in contact with one family tonight whose LID was almost a month before ours. They haven't heard anything either.
I had so hoped to travel in early June, so I could have my summer with Ellie, save my leave time for her surgery. Early June is really impossible now. Late June will not be possible if we don't receive LOA soon, and that is unlikey. LOA's seem to come in batches, about 2 weeks apart, if you can find a pattern.
It could now be July or even August before we travel.
I don't want to allow Satan to have my joy. He has come to steal, kill, and destroy. My Savior came that I might have life and have life more abundantly. I will trust Him. I will praise Him. His timing is perfect. He loves Ellie more than I.
Please pray for peace that passes understanding, for His strength, for joy unspeakable, for the Holy Spirit to be so evident in my life, that I bear fruit for His glory.
Good night,
I am so sorry - that can be so frustrating - hang in there though - maybe the next batch?!?! I'll be praying.
beckyb and others who have emailed me....I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, for your faithfulness to lift up another sister in Christ!
Dear Robbie,
reading this brought tears in my eyes. I know how you already love her so much. Having a child but not being able to hold her, that is sooo hard.
Hold on!!!!!
One day she wil be in her own crib and you can kiss those chubby cheeks over and over again.
She is gorgeous and so worth waiting for.
And every day, when i look in to my sons eyes, see how he is coping, I know that he was loved in china. And still is. They still want to know how he is doing.
I know this is hard. I have been frustrated with our social worker for our homestudy. Keep believing and I will be praying. Hey, maybe we can travel together as far as China!!
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