So, you know, Ellie went to the gastroenterologist. After her not so fun, rectal examination, we discussed a test she would have when she was four.
Two days later, while I was driving down a busy highway, Ellie pipes in from the back seat, "I not go back to the doctor when I four. That doctor not touch my hiney again."
Well, Josie-Tatum decided she would intervene. She asked, "Ellie, do you want to keep pooping in your diaper?"
Ellie said, "No."
JT asked, "Do you want poop to get on your shirt when you have diarrhea?"
E said, "No."
JT said, "Then you have to go back to that doctor."
Ellie immediately asked her favorite question, "Why?"
Josie-Tatum sighed and said, "Mama, can you please handle the rest of this?"
Out of the mouths of babes. What a funny story. Keep them coming. A link to Ellie and your prayer request is on our blog.
All my love.
How funny!
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