Life's little pleasures can be God’s greatest treasures.
I find that I am an overly sentimental adult. My friend Rick would probably call me sappy. He would agree, only I don’t think he ever reads my blog—too sappy for him, I’m sure. I like to think I try to live I Thessalonians…In everything give thanks. Of course, I don’t always give thanks for EVERYTHING…
But once again, I find myself thinking of last year. This time last year, we were in China. I’ve been looking through photos from last year. How’s this for a coincidence? Saturday morning, October 18th, I let Josie-Tatum and Ellie paint their fingernails. When I was looking through our travel photos, I was amazed. On October 18th, one year ago, I was painting Ellie’s fingernails. She had resisted my affection and attention so that I had become creative. I pulled out the polish to paint Josie-Tatum’s nails, and it worked. She then wanted me to paint hers, and let me pick her up off the floor without protest. (I’ll try to post pictures when I get home.)
I was reminded what a blessing it was last year on October 18th to hold Ellie in my lap at her request. Our guide had watched her push me away multiple times and heard her yell, “Bu Yao,” when I approached her. I felt such joy when Ellie spoke to Mary and told her that her mama painted her nails. So, do you think October 18th should be our Family Manicure Day?
(Okay, I cry at Hallmark commercials, but I won’t go that far. ;)
And yesterday, I took a walk with my baby girls. Inspired by the scales, OMGosh, I decided to stop making excuses and walk. With Ellie in her brace, she barely fit into the jogging stroller, but she fit and enjoyed herself. And, Josie-Tatum’s pent up energy could come out after school on our walk.
I felt the sentiment going just yards from the house. We walked through the driveway, past Grandma’s house and onto the dirt road. Memories flooded my thinking. I use to walk this road to see my Granny. In the days when parents didn’t have to be afraid of the stranger down the street, my sister and would often walk the half-mile to Granny’s house. We stopped along the way, to pick blackberries in the summer, wild grapes in the early fall, or wildflowers of different varieties throughout the year. In the summer we walked the shady edges of the road, and in the winter we walked in the sunshine. Life was simple then.
I enjoyed my walk yesterday with my girls more than I dreamed. I told them of my childhood days. We even took the camera and captured the beauty we found. When I get home, I’ll post the other pictures and one Josie-Tatum took. Perhaps she’ll find a career in photography. After taking pictures of flowers, we picked a few. We even captured a bee pollinating a flower on film.
God’s has surrounded us in beauty, hasn’t He? We drive by it everyday and fail to notice. Josie-Tatum surprised me when she said, “If I’ve ever seen a bee sucking nectar, I never noticed it before. I was too busy playing.” The whole earth is filled with His glory. I hope I can remember to slow down, to be still and know that He is God.
I am determined that we will take more walks together. That dirt road may become a paved road soon. The only houses that have ever been there are my parents and my grandmother’s house, where my sister now lives. My great-aunt, however, sold some of her land to the school system. A new elementary school will soon be less than a mile from my house. The dirt road will probably be paved as a second access to the building. I’m just sentimental enough to say that I’ll miss that dirt road.
But, I am determined not to miss His glory or His mercy, new every morning. And, if you’re ever near my house, stop by. We’ll go for a walk.
What a beautiful post. If we lived closer, I'd definitely enjoy a walk with our girls. Take care, my friend. I'd love to see pictures when you can post them. I'm assuming you found your digital camera again!!
PS. I posted Josie's latest surgery schedule on our blog last night.
You are not sappy! I loved reading the post.
I Remember!
And I think your sappy too...but so am I :-) Sappy is good! By the way, I would take a walk with you too...
Cherish those moments...And post those pictures! Terry
i am sappy too.. and my scales are LIEING to me.. heheheh
starting my program tomorrow..
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