I love Christmas...as I've said many times before. I love baking cookies, putting up lights, decorating Christmas trees, Christmas specials on TV, Christmas carols, and all things Christmas.
I've pondered much lately, though, how much of our celebrations have nothing to do with the Christ child, or how the meaning is lost. Please do not read this post thinking I am criticizing others...for I truly am not. I am soul searching.
I have determined that I will spend this last week before Christmas actively engaging the children in a discussion about the true meaning of Christmas...and of course, having fun while we're at it.
I had been thinking about the scripture above...and realizing I didn't know where it came from...had one of those, "Is that really what the Bible says?" moments. I had planned to have a snow activity right here in south Georgia where highs have been near 80 degrees the last few days. How was I to accomplish this, you might wonder? Well, I bought a can of snow for $1.00 at Wal-Mart. I decided the girls would have fun spraying the windows of the house with the snow, and we could talk about Jesus at the same time.
Last night before I went to bed, I found the scripture above, in the book of Isaiah Chapter 1. As I was drifting off to sleep, I began to wonder, though. Isn't Israel rather dry? How would the people of Isaiah's day know what snow was? Here comes to God thing....when I got up this morning, I read another chapter in the Beth Moore book, "To Live Is Christ." She described a certain place in the Bible near Mount Olympus, warm coastal seas and snow capped mountains.
Now, many may say....That was a God thing? It was for me...I had questions about what I was planning with my children, and without any more intentional research on the subject of snow, God has sent answers to my questions.
So, today, the girls and I read from Isaiah. And, you know what?? I've read to them before from their Bibles and their Bible story books, but their attention amazed me! We talked about the Old and New Testament, and how Old Testament prophets foretold of the arrival of Jesus. They both sat and listened....(I had to have Whitney take pictures.) Later in the day, Josie-Tatum brought me the Bible and asked, "Mama, where was that verse about the snow? I want to write it." Wow! Talk about joy in a mama's heart. We even talked about the bubbles in our bubble bath being like our sins after Jesus, as white as snow.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for the prompting, and thank you for the little sponges in our homes who will soak up your word if we will only be faithful to present it to them.
Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful heart-felt post, Robbie. May I continue to live a life more Christ-like.
Blessings to your sweet family.
PS. I gave you credit on today's blog post. It's been exhausting couple of days since surgery.
I've never thought about if the Israelites knew what snow was. Huh. That's very interesting!
Great ideas, Mommy!
Love the bubble bath picture!
Don't you just love those God moments when He opens your eyes and you go.. AH HA... SO THAT'S WHAT YOU MEAN!!! And I for one want to say "Thank you Robbie for being such a good Mom and passing on a love for God's word to the next generation." That is something that often gets lost in the world today... keep shining that light for your little ones to see!!!
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