I really need help, as I try to change my focus. My heart has rarely felt such despair, and I'm hoping you can help me.
So, I decided, I'm going to ask for help. (overuse of the word help, I know.)
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, right?
Well, I've decided to ask you to send me your true stories, funny, real-life stuff. And, I'm going to choose the three that make me laugh out loud the LOUDEST, and with your permission, post them on my blog.....
And, something I've never done before...I'm going to choose the funniest and give you a prize, a book that has made me laugh in the past.
I'll read them at the supper table at our house, to make Stan laugh, and help the girls smile, especially since Josie-Tatum cried herself to sleep last night. And, I'll send some of them to Caleb when I finally get his address. I don't understand why a mom has to wait to get her son's address, but that's another story.
So, if you've got a laugh to spare, send it to this Navy mom, and help her turn her mourning to gladness.
can't wait to read them...I need some laughs too. :)
Oh, Robbie,
My heart just breaks reading your last few posts. I just can't imagine how hard it must be to see Caleb go. But thank your dear Caleb for his love and sacrifice for our country. (And thank you for sharing him!) I will pray for safety for him and peace for you while he serves.
Whenever I'm feeling down, I also like to find something funny to cheer me up. As far as my own stories, I've thus far shared two on my blog that might provide a laugh. You can find them under the Labels section with the tag "Just for Fun."
Much Love,
Kathie at http://goodnessandmercyshallfollow.blogspot.com
I've been praying, Robbie for your boy, family and your Momma's heart. While our sons haven't been in the military ( I can't imagine that pain and concern as a parent!), I'm a mess when another son leaves home...
take care, Robbie.
love, hollym.
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