This will be a VERY different kind of post for me, but I was so burdened with this situation last night, I feel I must share it with you.
Stan had a difficult day at work yesterday. He mentioned his bad morning when he came home, and then rested some on the couch. We were waiting on our SW to arrive for our second visit.
After she left, he began to share with me the details of his morning. I began to realize this was not the usual job frustrations.
Stan works at a prison. While he is a correctional officer, he spends most of his time in medical. I think he missed his calling early in life. Nothing about blood or guts bothers him. He is fascinated with such and likes to watch Operation on the Discovery Channel. (I leave the room.)
Well, he was working in medical, nothing unusual about that.
But, his job yesterday was to stay with a prisoner who was
He has been with prisoners who were dying before. He has been at the hosptial with prisoners who are dying before, but this he said was different.
This man, whom God loved and sent His son to die for, was not ready to die.
He had told people he was not ready to die. He did not want to die.
But, he was dying. His body was doing what dying bodies do. He had lost control of his bowels. He was hemorhaging from his nose and mouth. But, worse than that...
He was out of control. He was fighting. He was climbing out of the bed, out of his restraint. His fists were clenched and his arms were tense.
Stan said, "The demons were after him."
I have heard it said that you can tell when you are in the room with a dying person, whether they are right with God or not. This is the first time I have heard it from someone I know, love, and trust their every word.
I could tell by the emotion is Stan's voice that he was troubled. He had been with another inmate that died recently, an inmate that had made his peace with the LORD. It was different.
So, I write this, because I have to.
I have to ask you.
Have you made peace with the LORD? When your family watches you die, will they see you fighting demons, or resting peacefully as God's angels escort you to heaven? If you've never committed to Jesus, please email me. I'll give you my number, and today you can be a CHILD of the KING!
Wow, that must have been terrible to watch, I cannot imagine how he feels (well, I'm sure I can.... he probably feels very strongly that he needs to prevent others from that same eternal fate).
Incredible post. If we only all felt the way he does, we might share more to those who are dying and going to a lost eternity.
Thank you for reaching out to the lot through this horrible experience.
Wow! What a powerful post! I wish everyone could read it.
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