We had an amazing visit to the Atlanta area this weekend. What began as a planned visit with one family became almost three days of visiting with three different families all connected through adoption.
On Thursday evening we visited with two families. Thank you to the Pruiksma family for opening their home to us. (More on them in another post.)
We were then joined by the King family. We met the Kings months before we had the referrals for our daughters, Josie-Tatum and Elizabeth. Then we traveled together in 2004 to bring home our daughters, the first adoption for both of our families.
Josie-Tatum and Elizabeth were in the same orphanage, Gaoming Social Welfare Institute. It was a blessing to have both of them at the same dinner table.
Elizabeth's mom and I spent hours catching up. We haven't been together in the same room for several years. I am always amazed, though, at how the love of Jesus and adoption can bind a family together forever. It was like talking with a friend I've known forever. Oh, how my heart was warmed.
While we talked, 13 children ran, played, laughed and had so much fun the adults were able to continue their conversations, rarely interrupted.....we just had to talk pretty loud. ;)
I might should add that, while Whitney was one of the 13 children there that night, she did NOT do much running around. She did, however, do a lot of the talking. She and Hannah, age 15, talked as much as Hannah's mom Laurie and I did.
After several hours, it felt like we had just begun to visit. But, we had to say goody-bye. There were more blessings in store for Friday. (Check back tomorrow.)
So glad you were blessed with this time! We too have 2 very dear adoption connected families that have become like extended family. And they both live in Atlanta but our girls are all teenagers. God was so good to bless us that way!
Please pray that spiritual warfare will end swiftly and healing will begin for the T family. THANKS!
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