We've had a weekend and three days for our Columbus Day/Fall Break holiday. It offered such much needed rest and fun. We spent the last two days driving to and from Tampa. Then, today, we did nothing...well, sort of.
I went for a 4 1/2 mile walk.....AWESOME!!
The kids had been playing outside, and then began to act as if they were bored. Until....Mom...
I suggested we go outside and build a house of pine straw. Some were excited, and some were reluctant. I was a little worried about the excited ones, thinking they might be disappointed. The reluctant 9-year-old finally decided she would join in.
We marked off the dimensions of the home and built the walls up.
Then the little builders constructed interior walls, so each one would have his/her own bedroom.
Every room included a lamp. (Doesn't that pine cone look like a lamp?)
Josie-Tatum and Ellie each included a television in their rooms. Ellie was busy watching tv while I took photos.
JT's tv had a remote control.
Ellie told me the show she was watching was, "Awesome!"
And, perhaps you, like I will be most impressed with the bathroom, complete with sink.
(Please do not confuses the pine cone faucet for the pine cone lamp.)
And, last, who could forget the toilet? Once again exercise caution when identifying the pine cone objects. The pine cone in this photo, as I was told, would be a turd in the toilet!!!!
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