We've just returned home from a visit to Shriner's for both Ellie and Drew. Both of them had their AFO's adjusted. I was excited to learn that they didn't need new ones....or we would have needed to return to Tampa in 2 weeks to pick them up.
But, the best news!
Some of you already know....but I must praise the LORD again and again.
Last summer, we scoliosis had progressed significantly. The curve of her spine was at 61 degrees. I looked at her initial x-ray from 2008 compared with that x-ray and literally felt weak. We waited several months before we saw the surgeon. I did research and knew surgery was likely in her future.
He did not recommend surgery last August, but a brace, a TLSO. He explained that our hope would be it would keep the scoliosis from progressing any furthers, possibly causing damage to her internal organs. Surgery may be necessary at a later date. Ellie was to wear it 23 hours a day, only taking it off to bathe or play sports.
Our sweet school nurse affectionately refers to it as a torture device.
Ellie wore it most days without much complaint. She has grown quite weary of it, almost a year later. It makes her sweat profusely. Then, it makes her itch. Some days she cries. Others she wears it without being reminded.
Last Tuesday, I prepared myself for bad news. We have encountered some new development nearly every doctor's visit.
Oh, was I suprised!
The PA pulled up the x-ray and beside it showed me last summer's x-ray. The curve was 45 degrees!!!
The brace is doing for Ellie more than we had hoped, more than we imagined. It is not only keeping her scoliosis from progressing, it has helped to improve her scoliosis. That is more than her medical caregivers expected, too!! I have since told two medical professionals who politely tried to discount the progress.
"That's not what the brace is expected to do," I've been told.
"How long was she out of the brace?" I was asked. "It could be that the muscles were still in place from wearing the brace." She was out of the brace for a while, not only through examination, but long enough to walk the corridor from the examination room to the x-ray department.
That is not what medical professionals may have expected.....but...
That is my God,
my Ephesians 3:20 King of Kings,
my Miracle of More Jesus!
Praise the KING who created her fearfully and wonderfully.
Praise the LORD who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or think!
I'm wiping away tears. Continued blessings!!
God is amazing!
Praise the Lord!!!!
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