Jesus moment for the day: We have passed quite a few beggars in the last two days. Most of them had deformities. Josie-Tatum, tonight, had a lot of questions. I told her I had to wonder who brough them there, and when they looked so thin, if the person who brought them there was taking the money they received begging. We discussed what we would do if we were at home in the US and how those options aren't possible particular, taking them to the church, the body of Christ. (Which, I sooooooooo missed today.)
So, on the way back from the store tonight, we saw a man still sitting where he had been earlier. Just after we passed him, I said, "I am still afraid to give him money, but we could give him some drink. Jesus says if we give it unto the least of these, we are giving it to Him." So, we chose the drink she loves the best and a pack of crackers and took them back to the man. I gave them to him and said, "In the name of Jesus." Please pray for that man, and pray that somehow he will understand the Jesus who is the Bread of Life and the Living Water.
The most difficult part of our journey thus far has NOT been related to adoption at all, but specifically to international travel and human error.
If it has happened to a family in our group, it has happened to us.
Today, I lost our camera.
Josie-Tatum asked me if that was a bad thing. Of course, so I told her we can always buy a new camera, but there are photos on the memory card that are priceless. (Note to self and others: copy the photos onto the computer daily.)
I think I left it on the bus today, when we went on a shopping trip. We didn't spend much money, but it was another Chinese experience....
Please pray we find the camera.
Our guide called the bus driver. He said he did a check when we were all off the bus and didn't see anything. But, he assured her that the bus is locked. He is at home, and he will check as soon as he comes to work tomorrow.
And, if you want to pray specifically...pray he comes to work before we leave for the zoo tomorrow AND he finds the camera. I don't know if he will be our driver or not.
Today, I believe Zeke (Qing Zhuang) realized that he will always have enough to eat. He left much food on his plate at breakfast. He at much food, but he left much as well. And, I would like to show you a picture, but I lost the camera today. I did take a photo of the food he left behind.
He is really beginning to respond to love and affection. (As I type said monkey is in my lap.) He snuggled up to me on the bus ride home. I had been taking photos of street scenes--and signs of course. That's when I put my camera down, because he had crawled into my lap. He loves to be tickled, and I love to sneak in kisses while I am tickling. He has begun to repeat in both Mandarin and English, "I love you. Wo ai ni," when I say it to him. And, just a few minutes ago, he climbed in my lap and said, "Mama, wo ai ni." He laughed the entire time, so I don't know how much emotion is truly involved, but he has a lifetime to continue to crawl in my lap as we share, "I love you's."
Zhuang Zhuang has begun to behave better. He has moments of extended calm when we can let our guard down a little. He still has periods of mischief, but he is beginning to respond to correction. He is not yet as affectionate as his brother. He is still a spitfire and ball of energy. I try to steal a few minutes at various times during the day to pick him up and cuddle, if sometimes playfully, and encourage that bonding we both need.
Josie-Tatum and I ventured out a little while on our own this evening. It was some good just her and mama time, as well as a little shopping that would have been difficult with all four kids along. We had to walk a few city blocks to find the Trust-Mart. And, I realized after we were inside a while that there is some connection to Wal-Mart. While many things were unfamiliar, on some signs I saw Great Value written.
We were in need of snacks and drinks that were not 7-11 prices. Yes, there are still 7-11 stores in China. We also purchased a cheap toy for the boys...about $3 US. So, without the camera now, I took a little video. You will have to turn your head, though. I'm not used to the camera and I was holding it the wrong way. You can hear these precious Chinese voices, speaking a language I am sad to know they will soon forget. (And, once again, pray we find our camera.) And, the video camera quit working as soon as I took this video, so would you pray for it as well.
Oh Robbie, I will pray because that is a BIG deal!! I can't imagine losing my pictures of that precious time!!
Praying for a camera miracle in China!
Prayers that your camera "comes home"! I've got a pretty good vibe about that.
As for the rest of the updates - sounds like a lot of good stuff is going on for you guys - all things considered! And that makes the camera pale in comparison!
hugs - aus and co.
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