By the time breakfast was over, his personality was shining through. The children all began my day sweet as ever.
It was raining outside, but sunny in our hotel...until.
Stan couldn't get in the safe. Our guide was waiting downstairs to take us to the civil affairs office, and we were upstairs trying to get in a safe. Apparently, two little Chinese boys played with it enough that they were able to change the combination. The passports and money were locked in my room, but Stan had locked his medication in the safe in his keep it away from the boys. And, they kept it from him...blood pressure meds, seizure meds, and.....
While the staff at the hotel tried to break the code.....we had to leave for Civil Affairs to complete the adoption of Andrew Palmer JiangZhuang. It was such a blessing to see our four children playing together. Ellie was the traffic cop.
We left the Civil Affairs office and headed to the notary where we had the unique experience of climbing 5 flights of stairs with four children, two of whom had to be carried.
It was here that Zhuang Zhuang (Drew) began to show his strong will. He refused to look at the camera for a photo and tried to draw on official papers.
After the brilliant hotel staff finally cracked the code on Stan's safe, we tried to a different restaurant. (We've paid far to much for meals since we came to Zhengzhou.) Here we ate the worst Chinese food I've ever tasted. I don't know what this green stuff is, but they put it in everything. stomach has not been happy since.
While we ate this yucky meal which still cost $50 for the 6 of us, Stan had to take Zhuang Zhuang to the potty twice....not good.
We had planned to go to a park just a block away. It has been raining since we arrived, and we've been unable to go anywhere. With ZZ's stomach issues, however, we decided to we better had back to the hotel, where we played in the hallway until we learned there was a play room on the 5th floor.
This small moment in time, less than 2 hours, became quite eventful. Zhuang Zhuang was choosing some difficult behaviors until he began to repeat one phrase over and over again. I decided to bring him to the room to see what he wanted. This little dude was still wearing the clothes he had on when he was brought to us on yesterday (Refuses as many children do, to part with them earlier). But, as soon as we walked in the hotel room, he began to take them off. Wanna guess??/ Yes, he finally had an upset stomach accident in his pants. No photos of this first.
While I was looking for the wipes to clean him up, he decided to get in the tub. So, poo was on his hiney, on his legs, in his clothes, on the toilet in multiple places, on the bathroom mat, and on the tub. Oh, the joys of motherhood.
After a bath...that included some intense splashing and some motherly correction, we went back upstairs finally in some clothes Mama bought before her trip to China. Being the smart man Baba is, he surveyed the wet hair and change in attire and drew the conclusion that Mama had been on clean up duty.
Life seemed to be good...unitl....Zhuang Zhuang began playing again. This time, much to rough. He was hitting, kicking, throwing things, and spitting. To him, it was all a game, but no calm correction was changing his inappropriate behavior. Much earlier than we had hoped, Baba really HAD to get firm with him....firm voice and holding him in "time in."
After about 10-15 minutes of screaming from Zhuang Zhuang, he finally settled down and Baba let him get up. Then, he started playing more appropriately.
He is still the busiest fellow I've ever seen.
But, finally, when we tell him stop, he obeys...reluctantly still, but he obeys.
The four kiddos are finally fast asleep, and Mama is headed to Never Never Land much sooner tonight as well.
As difficult as this day has been, I have been blessed to hear the word, "Mama," from two sweet, sweet voiced many times today. I have seen Josie-Tatum and Ellie give in because they know these little boys need added patient right now. I have watched our Zeke blossom these last two days. He loves to be the little helper. (And..informant of all things Zhuang Zhuang.) He comes to me more and more often just to climb in my lap. The four of them all went to sleep in bed with one another...just watching the sibling bond has blessed beyond my imagination.
And, a privilege I don't think I can share in an public blog....just a tidbit. I had the opportunity today to share the REASON for the love in our hearts...the Friend that Sticks closer than a brother. I had the privelege of sharing the Greatest Gift to ever be given with one who had never heard The Story.
And, for this day, and all of the others.
To God be the Glory!
So glad to read about this precious time! Blessings to you guys!!
Awww! Praying for healed tummies and hearts! The holding time is amazing stuff and has done wonders for our littlest man!
I hope tonight bring some much needed rest and happier tummies. Continued blessings, Robbie.
Yay!!! for baby steps to bonding and praise G for the opportunity to share!!!!Praying for you all still! Hope you are resting.
Quite an adventure. CONGRATULATIONS!
Hey - OK - overall - today was a "winner" - great stuff! One thing we notice with our adopted son - he came with this sense of "entitlement" pre-programmed! It's been over a couple years now and he still kinda has that built in! Dude's cool - but still - that gets old sometimes!! Sounds to me like ZZ has that - but that y'all are dealing with it beautifully!
great day - love it - hugs and prayers for continued successes!
aus and co.
Hi! I found you on the Shanxi yahoo group and have been enjoying your blog. We also adopted a little boy from Shanxi in May. He also has Spina Bifida although we don't know yet if he has any real effects of it. I wish I had found your blog before we traveled. We looked for Jordan's place on ShaMien Island but didn't see it (we were only there a couple of hours) and we wondered where he had gone. I'll continue to check in on your sweet family! Tricia (California) mom to Julia 4 from Guangzhou, and Rion 3 from Taiyuan
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