Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another "You Never Know" Moment

I've posted before that I never know what to expect when I get Ellie out of bed in the morning. Add that to the fact that when I change her diaper, she talks NON_STOP!! No one can communicate with me, because she doesn't take a breath.

So, last night, I was getting her ready for bed. She already had on her pajamas, but I needed to change her diaper one last time. In the middle of her chatter she says, "I have Ellie on my belly." I think nothing of it. The boys often call her Ellie Belly anyway. Then, I lift her shirt to remove her brace so I can change her diaper, and this is what I found.

She's a smart girl, but she's not that smart. She had some help from somewhere!
I truly never know!

I thank God for all the laughter in my home. I thank him for my kids, big and small. Tonight at church, Brandon followed me to the car to load up the wheel chair. When we drove home, Caleb came to the car to ask if I'd like him to get Ellie for me. Whitney then supervised the teeth brushing. (They're not ALWAYS this helpful.) But, praise the LORD when they are. Praise the LORD for the days I get to hear Ellie say, "I want to stay here with my family." Praise the LORD for this family. He puts the lonely in families!


Amy said...

She cracks me up! I'm afraid to get her and Samuel together. There is no telling what those two would come up with.

Musings from Kim K. said...

What fun. How lovely that you do have those occasions when your kiddos are so helpful. You must feel so proud. Hugs.

Gwen Oatsvall said...

I love that ... I love God instantly makes us family !!!!

Marla said...

How cute!! You have a precious crew!

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