Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Can you guess?

The boys are LOVING school.
They love to draw.

They are proud to be learning to write their names.

But, if you notice, in these photos, they were not the only ones writing and drawing.

It was a project we all were enjoying.

Can you guess what they were doing?
I could give you a hint....
Let's see who can guess.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Storms and Sunshine: Praise and Prayers

Tropical Storm Isaac....we've driven in its direction today. The LORD protected us. We even saw some sunshine. I thought of my trust in Jesus to protect us from the physical storm...the storm I could see. I admit my lack of faith at times to trust Jesus in the midst of spiritual storms. Today, was a day he proved Himself faithful

Prayers...they've been felt today. I thank God for those who have held us up to our Father on this day.

Stan and I are with Ellie in Tampa, with 3 days of visits to Shriner's Hospital. Today we met with a doctor who specializes in scoliosis. In June, we learned that Ellie's curve had increased from 20 degrees to 40 degrees since 2008. I felt a little sick when I saw this x-ray in June.

I thought I was prepared today...to hear that Ellie would need surgery sooner than later.

Today, we saw a new x-ray. They took one of her standing up.

And, we saw a 60 degree curve.

But, I sat with the doctor in peace. Real peace. The peace that passes understanding.

He discussed with us how the progression in her scoliosis was likely caused by the hip surgery combined with the lack of muscle tone to pull her spine into place. Without strong muscles in her abdomen to hold her spine in place, the curve is much more pronounced when she is standing.

Further peace washed over, though, when he suggested we wait on surgery.

Praise the LORD!!!!

Ellie will begin wearing a brace, however, for 23 hours a day. I know that will not be fun, but the hope and prayer is that the brace will do what her muscles are not currently doing, hold her spine in a "straighter" position. We want her to be able to continue to grow as much as possible before, eventually, she will need spinal fusion surgery to help her maintain her mobility.

Surgery on her spine is coming, but I am so glad she can wait until she is older. I am glad we don't have to go through that right now with all of the changes we've had in our family. I praise the LORD we're not looking at another time soon when I would need to be away from Drew, Zeke, and Josie-Tatum.

Speaking of them...please pray for them. Josie-Tatum had some tough moments today with her Mama gone.

Tomorrow, we have pre-op, for surgery Wednesday to remove her "hardware." You can see it in the xrays too. We will also have her measurements taken for the spine brace.

Thank you, again, for the prayers. Please continue to pray for us, as well as for those back at home.

I'll update tomorrow when I know surgery time.

And, since it's been FOREVER since the last time I posted....I promise to try to post some updates on my other kidds, too.

Friday, August 3, 2012

So Long Summer

I am really sad....summer for me is over.

Yes, I know that it is not officially over until September 21st.

But, I am already back at work.

My children go back to school next Monday.

We spent our last week at home at the beach and in the pool!!!
My friend Joli must help me. I have looked for other photos of our children on the diving board.....and couldn't find them. There were once just two little girls with their moms at Grandma's pool.

This summer there were four girls and four boys!!!

WE had a blast.

And, it was a wonderful way to say farewell to summer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Downtown Disney

I was so glad The girls were thrilled when they saw the Disney World signs as we drove to eat at T-Rex. The boys really didn't know what it was all about. They just knew we were going to eat with dinosaurs, and that was enough for them.
After we left the restaurant, though, we spent the rest of the evening roaming around Downtown Disney. Having never been to the parks, the boys thought it was wonderful simply to see the Disney figures. Good thing their daddy didn't make this trip. He might not have allowed them to pose with Cinderella. (Shhh. Don't tell him.)

I took all of the children, Whitney too, inside the World of Disney store. Can you imagine what that was like for the boys. Display after display of nothing but Disney! Some parents may have been frustrated by the experience, but I LOVED it. I told all of them they could each buy something, but it couldn't be more than $10. While the boys didn't quite get that idea, I told them what they bought had to be "xiao" (little.)

I let them pick up and touch anything they wanted to...well anything that wouldn't break. I let them carry something around the store until they found something they liked better. I took them from one display to another and back again. No one had more fun than Mama just watching the boys with wide eyed wonder, knowing they could have a gift. They never complained if I said, "No." They didn't ask for something bigger. They just enjoyed the moment of being in that store! They simply loved the idea that they would get to choose something.
And, I just loved Disney!
I love to watch my children enjoy it.
I love to hear the music.
I love to see the sights.
I love the atmosphere.
We stopped and looked at anything they wanted to see.
We stopped and took photos with any object they wanted to stand in front of.
We spent 5 hours, just eating, walking, and "shopping". We all had fun. We made memories.

And, when we left, I had my own treasure:
Don't you think this antennae topper is the perfect treasure for a Disney loving Navy mom?

Good night Minnie!
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