Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend


I wonder when the custom began...having new clothes for Easter. Maybe some of you know. I suppose I could try to be super-spiritual and say, "The new clothes represent a new beginning, or new life, or new life in Christ." All of that is true, but it's doubtful that's what is on our minds when we're shopping for the perfect dress.

I love, love, love finding the perfect dress for my girls, dressing them up, and taking their pictures. (The boys were never quite so fond of this custom.)

And, I remember years when my mama made Bobbie and me matching dresses. Sometimes her dress matched ours, too. I remember taking photos at my Grandma Tatum's house. I wonder, though, how strong those memories would be if we didn't have the photos themselves. So, here are some memories I was making with my kids!

Here's four kids...with one missing. It will only be 9 days though, and I will be with him in Chicago. And, I promise to post TONS of pictures.

Easter Eggs...
Do you remember dying Easter eggs with your mama? Brandon says he doesn't really remember. I've tried to think back. I have some fading memories of dying eggs with my mom. I suppose it's memories of the memories....or just a collective file of memories, to know that you were loved and there were special times with your family.

Please note the swinging hair in each of these photos. These girls were moving, fast, and I had to snap photos fast. At church, Ellie was given a head start before the others were "let loose."

On Sunday night, our pastor preached a beautiful sermon about Mary Magdalene. I've spent some time the last couple of days studying her. I pray that I can serve our LORD with such devotion that my children will see, that others will see, and KNOW our Savior lives.

I hope your Easter was blessed!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of your treasures, Robbie and beautiful memories, too! Have a wonderful summer with your treasures! :)

take care, hollym.

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

I kind of always thought that the new Easter outfits came from way back in a simpler day when people couldnt afford a new outfit except for once a year - and Easter was that special occasion... not sure where I picked that up from

You family is so beautiful

Unknown said...

I can't say that I enjoy shopping for new dresses because I do not like to shop. However, you all look wonderful!!

Sarah said...

Love the Easter dresses!

I think you're right about the *intended* reason for new clothes at Easter. I'd venture to say though, that rarely is that the actual reason we buy them.

I do love buying my girls Easter dresses (or Abigail...I made Ava wear Abigail's Easter dress), but I hate, hate, hate clothes shopping for myself. lol!

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