Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One Million Arrows

I'm reading this book.

And, I must admit....it tugs at my heart.

On her website, onemillionarrows.com, Julie Ferwerda asks, "Will the world change your children, or will your children change the world?" I am certain everyone of you would like to answer the question the same way I would. But, will our children really change the world?

I'd like to ask you to visit the website. Take a look at Julie's story, her vision, her mission, and her desire to see our children change the world.

Before you click over, though, let me tell you two things:

As I've been reading, I've received affirmation about one of the plans I've had for some time now. I want to follow in the footsteps of Linny, and begin a Memorial Box for my family. I plan to make my first Memorial Box post on Monday. And, since I've told you, now I have to right? And, you'll hold me accountable, right?

Check back Monday and see what the LORD has done. Join me in teaching our children how faithful our Jesus is. (If you'd like to learn more about Memorial Box Mondays, click here.)

I want to share with you, too, what I did today.....and challenge you a little further.

Like most parents, I assume, I look back at the things in my life I wish I had done differently. While reading One Million Arrows, I've made plans to pray BIG blessings over my children. I am further determined to teach Josee-Tatum and Ellie that God has BIG plans for them.

But, I've wondered about my big kids...Whitney, Caleb, and Brandon.

Of course, I hope the beginning of our family Memorial Box will allow us to have some precious conversations about how God has moved time and again in the life of our family.

But, just last week, I believe the LORD spoke to me.

My precious son, you know, is in Basic Training in Chicago. When he was this age, I certainly didn't think that I would one day leave him at the airport to fly away to the Navy.

But, I did have thoughts about how the LORD might use him, and I prayed for him.

In 1999, I started keeping a prayer journal. I've been through quite a few now. But, last week, the LORD reminded me of all of the prayers I've prayed for Caleb.....

So, I started reading through my prayer journals.

And, while I've sent him two letters already, the one I sent today was different.

I wrote for him some of the prayers I've prayed for him. I dated each one. I only made it through one year. ( I think I'll send some each week.)

But, for now, when life is hard on him, I want him to know, his Mama is praying for him, and most importantly, she's been praying for him a long time.

She has prayed for his protection.

She has prayed for his peace.

She has prayed for the LORD to use him.

What better way to encourage your children?

Let me challenge you. If you've never kept a prayer journal, start today. One day, maybe, just maybe, God will want you to share with your children the prayers you've sent up for them.

And, if you'd like to be further challenged, buy a copy of One Million Arrows. See what the LORD will do!


Addie Talley, Photographer said...

Please send me your address at talleyimages(at)yahoo(dot)com... I have something I need to send you.

Sarah said...

Thank you for the challenge. I have a prayer journal, but have not always been consistent about journaling my prayers. However, last week I was looking through it, skimming through, and was hit with gratitude at just how many of my small, sometimes selfish sometimes not, prayers have been answered. And like the verse said, one in particular was answered "even more than I could ask or think".

Karin said...

What a great idea! I think I will go through my journals and do the same for Ryan. :)

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