Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sweeter and Sweeter

There are priceless moments in the journey of parent hood--all the more so when you become the parent of a 6-year-old whose lived his life in an orphanage, who has had few moments outside of that orphanage. I highly recommend adoption!!! As I smiled my way through our weekend, I wonder how much more our Savior was smiling.

On Thursday, I found a photo of people swimming. Both of the boys seemed to know the Chinese word-you yong- and both seemed to know what swimming is. Drew said he had been swimming before, but Zeke said he had not. Zeke did, though, move his arms as if he was swimming and "swam" around the great room.

I waited until Friday morning to tell the boys we were going swimming on Saturday. ( I do not usually swim until June. The temps in south Georgia have been in the 90's, but the water is still sooooo cold. The girls have been begging to go, though. And, I was a little eager to see the boys' reaction.)

When I told the boys Friday morning that we would go swimming, they were both excited, but Zeke was overjoyed. Like, Disney World overjoyed. He asked one by one if Josie-Tatum, Ellie, and Drew were going, too. Then he shouted to each of them, "Da Jie Jie, min tian you yong." "Xiao Jie Jie, min tian you yong." "Zhuang Zhuang, min tian you yong."

When I came home from work on Friday, it was the first thing he asked about. And, he asked about it ALL evening long. He included swimming in his prayers.

Grandma came over, and we told her our plans. She asked if they had seen any photos of us swimming on the blog. I hadn't thought of that. So, we took time to show them photos from past summers. 

On Saturday morning, I was awakened by two little Asian boys, just after the sun came up. They were both dressed in their swim trunks I had bought the night before.

I had to explain...using google translate.... that the water is too cold in the mornings. I gave the order of the day. Eat breakfast, clean up, eat lunch, nap, swim. They were both excited, but Zeke continued to look forward to the moment. He followed me around all morning. "Mama?" Then he would repeat the order in the tone of a question, as if hoping something might change.

After nap time, we wasted NO time getting to the pool.

Here's a short video of that first moment!
And, it took NO time for him to get comfortable and begin to swim all over the pool with his ring. Zhuang Zhaung (Drew) was more cautious. He finally chose to use a swim ring AND arm bands. Moments later, he was making his way all around the pool, too!!

They loved their swimming adventure, and I'm so glad they did! Because, we love to spend time in Grandma's pool. Summer is coming! My favorite time of year, as a mom...when we can sleep late, change up the schedule, and play!! 

What could make a sweet day any sweeter?

Why...a visit from the Navy son and his bride!!!

Caleb and Caise made it in time to join in this "first" with the boys.

After supper, we sat around and chatted, everyone home..except Brandon. Oh, you moms of many--bigs and littles, aren't the best days the days when they are all around your table again? Caleb and Casie had us rolling with stories of their t-ball coaching experience.

The days was so blessed, each little one's prayer included thankfulness for members of their family, as well as swimming. And, Josie-Tatum thanked him for the time around the table. My heart was bursting with joy.

Some days are hard, but some days are oh, so sweet.

This morning, during church, I went to the alter to pray. As I began to pray, the song continued, "The LORD has promised good to me. His Word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures."

And, I became overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with His goodness. Overwhelmed with His promises. Overwhelmed with how much he cares for me. He has allowed me far more joy, far more blessings than I ever deserved.

His love, His blessings get sweeter and sweeter.

1 comment:

Aus said...

HOORAH - but dang - that water still looks cold to me!! ;)

hugs - aus and co.

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