Why We Call Our Blog the Miracle of More

The miracle is a beautiful image of Ephesians 3:20--more than I can ask or imagine. Every day is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. Specifically for our family, the miracle of more is our family growing in ways I would never have imagined when we first committed to adoption 8 years ago. But, the greatest miracle is the change in ME!

If you have questions about adoption, our work in South Africa, or spina bifida, please email me at rbmattox@bellsouth.net

Monday, October 1, 2012

Beyond My Imagination--Memorial Box Monday

It has been FAR too long since I posted a Memorial Box Monday. But, there hangs in our house a trinket from China, which tells a story ONLY Jesus could have orchestrated.

We saw his photo first. (And, if you want to know more about that part of the story, read here.)

We saw his photo weeks later. (You could read how the LORD led us to him here.)

Our faith walk was challenged more than one time, multiple times and in multiple ways. There were truly moments when we thought we were supposed to halt the adoption process. Some of the darkest moments of my life occurred during the months we waited for our boys.

Just when I needed the most to KNOW that we were on God's path, He showed up in a MIRACULOUS way. You can read that here. When God sent that miracle, I was more convinced of a "feeling" I had earlier. I was more convinced that ever that God had a perfect plan for our boys, and that He had far more in store for us. I believed that the spiritual battle was more than a fight to stop our boys from coming home. I had no idea what God had in mind, but I knew it was BIG.

This story would not be the same if we had not committed to adopting TWO precious sons at one time. It would not have been the same if we had only adopted one, no matter which one it was. It could only have happened this way...because.

We were the only family in the room. Ordinarily the room is FULL of families. Because we were adopting two children on one trip to Chi*na, our schedule was different. Most adoptions occur on Tuesday. We were NOT in this room on a Tuesday because we were in another province. So, we had the room virtually to ourselves.

It was our fourth adoption in Chi*na. I was accustomed to the process. What happened afterwards had never happened before. I was asked why we would adopt so many special needs children.

And...the door was opened for me to share our faith. In that moment, I stood in that room, and I KNEW. This was part of the victory God had promised when He said, "Trust me. This is NOT about you." I was asked what it meant to be a Christian. Why would Christians adopt. I was given the opportunity to share the portrait of adoption that Christ paints when He invites us to join His family.

And, then I heard words that have forever changed me. "I have heard about this JESUS, but I have never heard about his love."

I walked on clouds, ever so amazed that God would use me to share His love in such a way.

And, then...the next day, another person asked me more about my faith. She, too, shared how touched she was by the love of Jesus flowing through us. Walking down the streets of Chi*na, with thousands of people passing by, I was able again to share what Jesus had done for us.

Then, something happened that had never happened to me before. This person gave me a gift.  As she gave it to me she said, "I have never seen such love as I have seen in your family."
So, while it is not in our Memorial Box, this trinket hangs in my bedroom. It is a precious reminder that God helped me survive the greatest storm in my life because He wanted me...his imperfect child...to be in THAT place at THAT time so TWO different people could hear about HIS love.

It was a Miracle of More moment!!!

(Read more about God's faithfulness on Linny's blog.)


Aus said...

Oh I love "God Moment" stories! They happen every day - and they happen when He knows you need them - and sometimes they happen when He knows that He needs us!

But they require something - people - who are open when He calls!

thanks for that....

hugs - aus and co.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this story !!! Thank you for surrendering to God's call!

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